Human-Wildlife (the Ethiopian Wolf and Gelada Baboon) Conflict in and Around the Simien Mountains National Park

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Addis Ababa University


This study documents human-wildlife (the Ethiopian wolf and gelada baboon) conflict in and around the Simien Mountains National Park. Data were collected in between September, 2005 up to March, 2006 with fragmented short term stay by means of face-to-face questionnaire interview and by direct observation on the crop damage caused by gelada baboon. The Ethiopian wolf and gelada baboon faecal dropping samples were also collected to compare the result with the questionnaire survey. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and responses compared using Chi-square test and one-way ANOVA. Logistic regression model was used to analyze the attitude of respondents towards Ethiopian wolf and gelada baboon and to determine the factors that cause crop loss by gelada baboon. The analysis indicated that 74.3% of the respondents had positive attitude towards wildlife. There was significant negative correlation (r = -0.28, P<0.001) between problems caused by the wildlife and conservation attitude. 73.1% of the respondents had positive attitude towards the Ethiopian wolf and 70.3% of the respondents had positive attitude towards gelada baboon. There was negative correlation (r = -0.2, P< 0.001) between the attitude towards gelada baboon and crop loss. 6.9% of the respondents reported that they faced crop damage to wildlife where as 25.6% reported the problem of livestock predation to wildlife. 46.6% reported both the problem of livestock predation and crop damage. The result also indicated that 18.3% of the respondents reported the loss of sheep to the Ethiopian wolf. The average and the probability of sheep loss to the Ethiopian wolf per year per household were 0.62 + 0.09 and 0.2% respectively. 97.8% of the Ethiopian wolf faecal dropping samples accounted for rodent prey where as 1.4% constituted sheep prey. Loss of livestock to common jackal, leopard, spotted hyena and hamadryas baboon has also been observed. The average crop loss by gelada baboon per household per year was 1.17 + 0.1 quintal. But significant difference (F 7 292 = 13.49, P<0.001) between villages in terms of crop loss by gelada baboon. There was also correlation (r = 0.43, P<0.001) between the type of crop grown and the type of crop damaged. Other crop raiders like hamadryas baboon, vervet monkey and crested porcupine were also observed. In general, there was strong conflict between gelada baboon and the surrounding people in some parts of the study area and there was some conflict with the Ethiopian wolf. Therefore, possible solution should be met to alleviate the problem. Key words: Wildlife Conflict, Ethiopian wolf, Gelada baboon.



Wildlife Conflict, Ethiopian wolf, Gelada baboon

