In Partial fulfillment of he requirements or he degree of masters of arts in educational policy and planning

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Addis Ababa Universty


The purpose of this study was to investigale the major challenges of secondaty edllcation plan implementation in Oromia National Regional State. Pertinent pOints that helps to assess the resources capacily of secondaty schools to implement education plan organizational structure, monitoring and evaluation practiceslto implement their education plan, the extent the regional secondaty education plan implemented, the involvement of stakeholders in secondaty education plan implementation in Oromia were raised. Over and above the major factors that challenges the implementation of secondaty education plan implementation in the region, the mechanisms and strategies utilized to tackle practical problems in secondaty education plan implemenlation were identified. Finally, possible solutions on how secondaty education plan implementation wOllld be efficient and effective with in the region were recommended. In conducting this study, descriptive survey research was the pr~ferred method. Accordingly, the zones in the region under the study were stratified based on their pelformance in the Region and the samples for the study were taken randomly from the stratum. Subsequently, the Education Bureau, five randomly selected zones (Borena, North Showa, Jimma, West Hararge and East Showa) Edllcation Offices were ineluded in the study. Further moreJrom these.five zones 21 woreda Education Offices and 21 government secondary schools were randomly selected; and respondents from each were taken plllposively. Review of related literature as the sources of information and questionnaires, interview questions and document observation checklist were used data gathering tools. The gathered data were also analyzed by using freqllency counts, percentages, means, chi-sqllare(x2 ) and independent t-test. The findings of the study indicate, the implementation of education plan in the region were constrained by shortages of resources, weak capacity to coordinate school activities and manage resources, low participation of stakeholders, large class size, large work load on teachers and high turnover of teachers, absence of adequate preparation to receive primaty school leavers, studel1ls disciplinaty problems and absenteeism, lack of support fur economically poor students and other socio-cultural related factors. Certainly, these would impede the implementation of education plan in the region. Therefore, it is recommended that strengthening the participation of stakeholders, improving the managerial capacity of the implementing bodies by providing training, giving attention to secondaty education through realistic planning and effeclive plan implementation would enable to achieve the anticipated education objectives. In addition, in advance preparation to receive primaty school leaver.s•, introducing incentives and motivating mechanisms in collaboration with stakeholders through monitoring and evaluation of the pelformance, creating different income generating mechanisms that would enable to help economically poor students would be paramount important in mitigating the aforementioned challenges ~f secondaty education plan implementation in the region.



Educational policy
