The Implementation o f biology Practical work in Selected general Secondary Schools in East Wallaga Zone
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Practical work was considered to be one of the hallmarks of teaching science. The purpose of
this study was to assess the extent to which practical work was implemented and investigating
the factors affecting its proper implementation in teaching biology in general secondary schools
of East Wollaga Zone. In line with this, the study attempted to analyze and evaluate all the
experimental activities included in grade 9 and 10 biology textbooks in terms of nurture of
practical work, participation of students in PW, attitude and interest of teachers and students
towards PW, existing practice in using practical work and factors affecting its proper
implementation. III order to carry out this study, the researcher employed descriptive survey
design. The study was conducted in selected six general secondary schools pom five woredas
and one town administration in East wallaga zone of Oromia region. For this study woredas
were identified using pU/posive sampling techniques. The source of data for this study were
Grade 9 and 10 biology textbooks, biology teachers, students, biology department heads, school
directors and observation of lab room. Data were collected from six general secondary schools
using stratified sampling technique based on the access to plasma TV and year of
establishment. All biology teachers' department heads and school directors pam selected
schools participated as source of data. To select respondent students stratified samplinf[
procedure and systematic random sample techniques was employed. Accordingly, 88 grade 10
and 119 grade 9 students were selected. To gather data from the respondents, questionnaires
consisting 34 items and 20 items for teachers and students respectively were used. To validate
the data 10 interview questions to all departments head and school directors and also
observation check list consisting of 86 items were used. The data collected were analyzed and
interpreted in series of table using frequency distribution and percentage scores. Content
analysis was done to analyze the nature and kinds of practical work and to see the enquiry level
of each activity suggested in the text book. Accordingly, ill both text books it was found that all
the activities suggested were well identified and well defined- problems and procedures were
given. Findings of the study indicate that practical work method was not put in to practice and
most teachers used lecture and demonstration in teaching biology and the same was to in
plasma TV illstruction that focused on content coverage. Observation of laboratory rOOIl1 in Iii;:!
with the materials and apparatus stated in the textbooks reveled that the schools have no
potential, even to pelform demonstrations as the only methods of practical teaching let alone
individual or group experimentation. This study recommends the Ileed to revise and refine
general secondary biology curriculum and concerned body has to give due emphases to
arrange laboratory rooms for effective implementation of practical work. Teachers must also
encourage students to use practical work in teaching biology.
• Biology practical work