Mobile Phone Based Pervasive Context-Aware Event Advisor (Pcea)

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Addis Ababa University


The main aim of pervasive computing is minimizing distraction on users‟ attention and creating environment that adapt to the users‟ context and needs; thus the day to day development of mobile technologies makes this aim viable. There are a number of researches in pervasive computing that aim at improving our daily life. These researches cover a vast area of different topics. One topic of research is mobile based recommendation. Mobile based recommendations are done in different fields like tourism, medicine and the like. Even if recommendation service is not a new concept the way it is applied and the context it uses differ from one to the other. This project work proposed a client/server architecture for mobile phone based pervasive context aware event advisor (PCEA). The client side of the architecture is responsible for acquiring the user and the event context. Whereas the server side is responsible for processing the request from the mobile phone and come up with a response that match with the client‟s static as well as dynamic context. The proposed architecture utilizes the user‟s preference and dynamic contextual information as well as the dynamic context of the event information. In the context of this project we design our system architecture as three-tiered client-server architecture by combining data-centric and event based architecture style. We use a common context repository to store the user‟s preference, the dynamic contextual information and the event information context as well as a publish/subscribe way to broadcast the event notification message to the subscribed mobile devices. The system architecture has five core components that work together. The acquisition component gathers or collects static and dynamic information of the users as well as the event providers. The context manager component manages the static context i.e. the user profile and the dynamic context information i.e. the schedule of the user, the location of the user and the published and extracted event information. The user context and event information repository component store and manage the context data. The user context analyzer and matcher analyze both the user context and the event information and filter out matched result by considering the context parameter. The Notification manager component is responsible for delivering or pushing event information notification from the server to the users‟ mobile device. As a means of evaluating the proposed architecture we developed a prototype that implements the core components of the proposed architecture for java enabled phones using J2me and we performed a usability test to evaluate the prototype. The already established methodologies for usability testing for desktop environments are not always applicable to mobile application due to the mobility of the user and the restriction of the mobile devices such as the small size, battery and low resolution of the display. We conducted laboratory experiment and field study to ix | P a g e determine the UI of the prototype and the user satisfaction while accomplishing some tasks in the prototype. From the test we performed on the prototype, using the usability scale score, it achieved average value of 78. Key Words: Pervasive Computing, Event, Context Awareness, Mobile Phone Based Pervasive Context-aware Event Advisor, J2ME



Pervasive Computing; Event; Context Awareness; Mobile Phone Based Pervasive Context-Aware Event Advisor; J2ME
