Vegetation Succession in the Volcanic Region Between Kulumsa and Metahara
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Addis Ababa University
Six sites \'/ere studied in the Ethiopian Rift Valley in
the Administrative Regions of Shoa and Arsi \Vhere volcanic
eruptions had taken place at different times. The aim of
the study ~las to determine vegetational succession on these
volcanic rocks according to the chronosequence. The study
\Vas made from December 26, 1980 to February 6, 1982. Forty
t\Vo stands ~lere sampled (seven in each site) and the presence
of 172 species in the stands \Vas recorded.
Computer analysis of the ra\V data using Normal Association
Analysis \Vas made at the Central Statistical Office
(C.S.O) in Addis Ababa and using Indicator species Analysis
(I.S.A.) at the Ethiopian Road Authority (E.R.A).
Indicator species Analysis divided the vegetation in the
study areas into groups according to the chronosequence while
that using Normal Association Analysis did not.
The groupings obtained from the Normal Assvciation
Analysis and the Indicator species Analysis ~lere statistically
tested for significan't contrasts.
Wolenchiti (third in chron0sequence) was found to have
the highest number of grass and herb species. The successional
trend for all species of plants showed an increase from the
first upto the third age levels and a decrease in the fourth
and fifth age levels except for the shrub species where the
fifth age level showed the maximum number.