Practices and Challenges of Using Radio As Instructional Media in Bati Woreda of Amhara Regional National State
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Addis Ababa University
This study was set out to examine the practices and challenges of using radio as
instructional media in three selected primary schools of Bati woreda of Amhara
Regional State. It employed a descriptive survey design. Data were gathered from 52
students and 30 teachers through questionnaires. Similarly. 3 principals. 2 cluster
supervisors.2 woreda. I zone. I region education experts were also employed as
primary sources of data with semi- structured interview. and pertinent reference
documents from secondary data source. besides classroom observation was
employed. Systematic random sampling technique was used to generate data from
students mean while. all grade 5-8 subject teachers selected with availability sampling
technique. Purposive sampling technique was employed to gather data from school
principals. cluster supervisors. education experts of woreda. zone and region as well.
The collected data were analyzed using frequency counts and percentage. The major
findings include the following; The utilization of radio instruction was affected by
factors like absence of radio media studio locally. lack of teacher training on radio
instruction utilization. unavailability of supportive materials such as radio teachers
guide. radio sets. and illustrative materials. lack of skill to install aerial antenna and
lack of evaluation systems on the success and failure of radio instructional media.
Nevertheless. the problem of classroom size in the utilization of radio instruction
programs was fou nd to be insignificant. Based on the findings. the study recommend:
to alleviate the problems which was observed in the utilization of radio instruction
the concerned educational officials and policy makers should be given proper
attention to fulfill the necessary inputs. training for the teachers. and supervisions for
effective implementation. The findings and concluding remarks forwarded in the study
will help policy maker. educational bureau officials. educational media experts and
program producers to give due attention for the proper utilization of radio
Challenges of Using Radio As Instructional Media