Factors Affecting Academic Performance Of Grade 12 Students of Government and Private Preparatory Schools in Akaki Kaliti Sub City Administration (Addis Ababa)
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Addis Ababa University
The research was conducted to asses and compares the academic performance of grade 12
students of government and private preparatory schools in Akaki Kaliti Sub City administration.
The study used descriptive research design 44(100%) teachers, 85(77.98%) grade 12 students
out of 109(15%) the assumed and sampled and 15(50%) of experts and supervisors were selected
using simple random sampling whereas 37(84%) out of 44(100%) assumed PSTA members have
been selected using comprehensive sampling method. Respectively 4(100%) and 8(100%)
principals and vice principals and 5(100%) FGD participants were also included using
purposive sampling technique. Totally 198(86.4%) stakeholder respondents participated in the
study. The researcher also used observation, secondary evidences and primary data using
questionnaire and interview data gathering instruments have been used. The collected primary
data was analyzed quantitatively (using number and percentage and followed by verbal
interpretation) and the qualitative data was analyzed in words. According to the findings of the
study, numbers of affecting factors of the academic performance of students have been identified
among which the major ones were as follow. Fundamentally government schools were not
opened and started the actual teaching learning process accordingly with the calendar. Teachers
lack putting participatory way of presentation and continuous assessment in to an effect and
efficient, they (teachers) also over emphasized utilizing English language regularly for medium
of instruction they rather dominantly use Amharic language. Mainly government school students
have problem of using English language so they couldn’t understand the contents of lessons and
consequently their result become in sufficient relativism as compared to students of private
schools, Moreover parents whose children learn in government schools have less or weak follow
up and support, Due to external intervention, for frequent meeting principals also face problem
of investing much of their work time being in the school. Consequently they could not follow up
and conduct clinical supervision and give timely feedback for teachers. Majority of government
school students seem they do not know why they come to their schools. This showed they lack
vision, mission and value of their own. The study showed the result of the study therefore
indicated that there was academic performance gap between grade 12 students of governmental
and private preparatory schools. This relatively implies that the teaching learning practice and
process in governmental schools had drawback as intended as compare to private schools.
Hence, it was recommended as all concerned education stakeholders mainly principals of both
types of schools are strongly responsible and expected to work with and share best
experience/practices and continuously work hard as partnership. Localy concerned bodies and
Ministry of Education, higher education institution, private school owners and other non-
government schools also need to work cooperatively from preparatory school standard point of
view Private school teachers and principals raise issue of education opportunity to upgrade As
observation and the existing reality also show almost all the study participant private school
teachers and school leaderships did not have second degree and could not fulfill the required
standard. They express as they have no way to get opportunity to advance their qualification.
Factors Affecting Academic, Performance Of Grade 12 Students