Theoritcal and Experimental Study of the Photovolta ic Ef'fect in Thin Films
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Addis Ababa University
In the present study the theory of photovoltaic energy
conversion is presented. Basic factors affecting conversion
capability of photovoltaic devices are discussed. General
formula of the minority carrier distribution and current
density across p-n junctions are revised and further develop
to arrive at the over all collection efficiency expression w
is valid for any thin film photovoltaic cells. Focuss is put
the main so lar ce II parame -cers like conversion efficiency an
spectral response.
To the end some experimental works on a single
crystal solar cell (FD-K) are made. Emphasio is put on
establishing circuits capable of measuring various solar cel
pm'wneters ranging from Si--single crystal cell of lou) effici
The results of the measurement are presented in the form Of
tables and graphs. Conclusions are also made on the re8ults
The Photovolta ic Ef'fect