The Challenges and Prospects of Tvet Reform in Harari Regional State and Dire Dawa City Administration
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Addis Ababa University
rhe maill purpose of this study was to illvestigate the challellges alld prospects of the TVEr
reform ill Harari regiollal state alld Dire Dawa City Admillistration As a result, all effort was
lIIade to examille the major factors that illfluellce the illlplemelltatioll of the reform such as,
rVEr Colleges capacity in terms of(/illallcial, humall alld physical) resources, and commitmellt
to implemellt the reform, stakeholders' (awareness, participatioll and commitment), and the
relationship betweell TVET illstitutiolls alld stakeholders.
A descriptive survey method has beell employed to idelltifY major issues to be addressed alld to
examille the TVET reform cOllstraillts ill the implemelltatioll and its prospects ill three
government rVET Colleges found ill Harari regiollal state and Dire Dawa City Administratioll.
rhe respondents of the study were 41 rVEr teachers. 24 rVEr stakeholders, 3 TVET College
deans and 8 education bureau (TVETAgency) TVET experts.
Helice, the respondents sampling was carried out usillg quota, simple random and availability
sampling techniques. The researcher has used both qualitative and quantitative methods of data
collection. Accordillgly, interview, questiollllaire alld allalysis of documellts were used to collect
relevant informatioll. In additioll, the data analyzed usillg the latest Version 17.0 software of
SPSS, percentages, ji-equellcy COUlltS alld T-test.
1'l,e results of the study illdicated that, lack of (fillallcial, humall and physical) resources, low
(commitmell t, awareness and participatioll) of stakeholders, teachers skill gap, high staff
turnover, weak relatiollship betweell TVET illstitutiolls alld stakeholders, alld lack of well
orgallized managemellt system were the potelltial problems which lIeeds to be addressed ill order
to better implement the TVET reform.
Th erefore, it is recommended that developing a system to education and traillillg schemes to
continuously upgrade the competell ces of the TVET (teachers, administrators alld professionals),
allocating sufficiellt fi llancial resources ji-om the regiollal governmellt, alld gelleratioll of
additional resources ill to the TVET system. Similarly, due attelltion should be givell to increase
the awarelless of stakeholders alld assure their active participation alld commitmelll,
establishillg strong alld well orgallized mallagemellt system by participatillg all cOllcerned
bodies in decisioll making and follow up of the program.
Challenges and Prospects of Tvet Reform