The Influence of Tax Education on Tax Compliance Attitude
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Addis Ababa University
Tax non-compliance is an area of concern for all government and tax authorities, and it will
continue to be an important issue that must be addressed. Regardless of time and place, the main
issue faced by all tax authorities is that it has never been easy to persuade all taxpayers to
comply with the regulations of a tax system. The objective of this study is to examine the
influence of tax education on the compliance attitude of tax payers. To achieve this objective, a
quantitative research approach is used. Both experimental and survey methods of data collection
are used in this study. As this study’s objective is to explore how provision of tax education
influences tax compliance attitude of tax payers, experimental data was collected through
questionnaire twice. One at the beginning before respondents attend tax course and second at
the completion of the experiment i.e. after attending the tax course. Survey data are collected
using questionnaire distributed to real taxpayers. The results indicated that tax compliance is
influenced by tax education. The results of this study can inform policymakers on the extent to
which tax knowledge is important in voluntary compliance
Tax compliance attitude