The Analysis of Counseling Principles Application in the case of some selected Voluntary Counseling and Testing Centers for HIV I AIDS in Addis Ababa.
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Addis Ababa University
Being a fatal disease, AIDS is one of the most global agenda. It has been seriously threatening the social,
psychological, health; and economic situations of the contemporary society. In order to pave the way to mitigate the
expansion of the pandemic, different strategies have been designed. One of these strategies is the establishment of
VCT Centers. Counseling seIVice rendering has been considered as prominent for whose live is directly or indirectly
touched with HIV/AIDS. Through the counseling services the client's life can be enhanced and in para/leI to this the
expansion of the pandemic could be prevented. In order to analyze the application of counse1in1 principles at the
VCT centers, twenty-four (24) sampled VCT centers were selected by using quota and systematic random sampling
methods from government hospltals~ private higher clinics and NGO VCT centers. Then, all counselors at the
sampled vcr centers (totally 62 respondents) were selected for the study. In order to collect the relevant data,
intervie~ observation, and pilot tested self-rating questionnaire methods were used. To analyze the gathered
information percentage method of data description was employed. The finding of this study revealed that many
counselors at vcr center don 't appropriately apply the counseling principles. Hence~ the finding indicated the
eVidences for the inappropriate application of counseling principles. This inappropriate application includes
misconception of the underlying counseling theories and Its assumptions~ inappropriate consideration of legal and
ethical issues. Additionally, as rated on effective counsefor's characteristics application checklist the finding
demonstrated that some of the counselors were found ineffective. They rather observed providing advice and
support (which is more of non-psychological help), Anally, based on the finding, it can be concluded that the
training In counseling (HIV) skill was unsatisfactory. Thus, It could be reasonable to recommend intensive training by
relevant professional persons for the VCT counselors.
Testing Centers for HIV I AIDS