Ion Transfer and Double Layer Studies Across the 1fater/O-Dichlorobenzene Interface
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Addis Ababa Universty
]:on trflns:fer a cross the ,~" ter/ o-di chlorobenzene
int~r:face hfls been investigated by ac cyclic voltammetry
:from the peak o:f which the hal:f-wa~e potentials of the
ion studied hflve been determined. The zero point on the
;~'-P -scAle has been fixed using 10 mH PNPDOO saturated
with TPAsTPB as a base elecitrolyte in o-DOB. A wide
potential window has also been obtained by employing
tetrfldodecylflmmonium dicarbolly1cobfl1tate (III) (TDADOO),
flS supporting electrolyte in o-DOB. The values of the
standard Galvani potential difference and the standard
Gibbs energies of partition far individual ions in
o-DOB have been evaluated tflking into account ion
association in o-DOB. The association constant of the
base electrolyte in o-DOB has been determined from
conductivity measurements. The standard Gibbs energies
of partition for some ions in the water/o-DOB system
hAve also been determined from solubility experiments.
These have been compared ,dth the values obtained from
voltammetric experiments.
Preliminary stuiies on the electrical double layer
across the ,vater/o-DOB interface have been made using
the impedance technique. The experimental interfacial
capacitance have been compared with the theoretical
diffuse layer capacit?onces calCUlated by the GouyChapman
]:on trflns:fer a cross the Water