A Comparative Study of Televised and Non-Televised Speaking Skill Teaching Techniques: The Case of Grade Nine in Focus

dc.contributor.advisorEndris, Awol(PhD)
dc.contributor.authorG/Mariam, Taye
dc.description.abstractThe mai n obj ec ti ve of thi s stud y was to compare two m ode s of teac hing spe ak in g skill (i.e. th e Educational Sate llite Television s peakin g skill teac hin g techniques a nd the non-Educati onal Satellite Tele vision spe aking skill teaching techniques- i.e. Traddional mode of speaki ng ski ll tea ching. In order to conduct the stud y, two samp le hi gh sc h oo ls that are found in Addi s Ababa we re se lected w hich fit the purpose of the re search- to compare di ffe rin g modes of s peakin g skill in struction.The ma1l1 in struments used to collect data for the s tudy were classro om observation and que stionnaire . Direct class room observation was conducted with the help of a chec kli st to gather first ha nd informati on, i. e. to in ves ti gate w hat the teac hin g/learnin g process looks like in th e ac tual settin g. In addition to this , qu est ionnaire wa s administered to Eng li sh teachers of both schoo ls to investigate the lon g term practice that the EDSTV pro gramme and th e classroom teachers make use of in speakin g ski ll teachin g. Ten teachers participated from the two school s in th e stud y.The res p o nses of the teachers and the results of the observation we re analyze d sid e by side simultaneo usly in tabl es u si ng figur es and percentages. The outcomes of the analysis revealed that the spea kin g skill teaching techniques of the EDSTV programme employed were by far better compared to th ose e mpl oyed by the nonEDSTVone. Especially , the chances and opportunities given to student s to practice s pea ki ng, model dialogu es, different kind s of activities and in following the steps/ procedures sugges ted in the review parts, the EDSTV programme was effective. Neve rtheless, the employment of s ome of the techniques and the way the speaking exerci ses/acti vities are des igned, presented and practiced was unsatisfactory in both progranunes.en_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababa Universityen_US
dc.subjectSpeaking Skill Teaching Techniquesen_US
dc.titleA Comparative Study of Televised and Non-Televised Speaking Skill Teaching Techniques: The Case of Grade Nine in Focusen_US


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