Menstrual Hygiene Management and Associated Factors Among High School Girls: - A Case of Bahir Dar City Administration
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Addis Ababa University
Background: -Menstruation is the cyclical shedding of the inner lining of the uterus, the
endometrium, under the control of hormones of the hypothalamo-pituitary axis.
In adolescents who experienced menstruation for the first time, menstrual hygiene
management is constrained by practical, social, economic and cultural factors such as the
expense of commercial sanitary pads, lack of water and latrine facilities, lack of private rooms
for changing sanitary pads, and limited education about the facts of menstrual hygiene.
However, menstrual hygiene management is an under researched issue in East Africa including
Objective: -The aim of the study was to assess menstrual hygiene management and associated
factors among secondary and preparatory school girls in Bahir Dar city administration,
Northwest Ethiopia, 2016.
Methods: - A cross-sectional quantitative study was conducted from March 1st- 31th, 2016
to assess the menstrual hygiene management and associated factors among high school girls
in Bahir Dar city administration Northwest, Ethiopia on a minimum sample of 685 .
Data was collected by self-administered structured questionnaire. After checking for
completeness, data was coded and entered to SPSS version 20 for analysis.
Descriptive and analytical statistics were employed. Bivariate analyses were used to examine
association between dependent and independent variables. All variables with p<=0.20 in
bivariate analysis were fitted in to the multivariate logistic regression model to identify factors
associated with menstrual hygienic practice. P value <= 0.05 were considered as a level of
After bivariate analysis, the significant factors of menstrual hygiene were fitted in to the
multivariate model.
Result: - Majority of the participants (84.3%) practiced good menstrual hygiene and had high
level of menstrual hygiene knowledge (95.2%).
As the study found that; urban dwelling, access for water, school type and knowledge about
sanitary pads before were the factors associated with menstrual hygiene management.
It showed that the practice of good menstrual hygiene was more among students who live in the
urban (AOR 2.708:95% CI, 1.712, 4.285) than students who live in the rural area, students who
have access for water (AOR 1.553:95% CI, 0.309, 0.989) than students who have no access for
water, students from private schools (AOR 4.425:95% CI, 1.793, 10.924) than who are in the
public schools and students who had knowledge about sanitary materials(AOR 2.493:95% CI,
1.478, 4.207) than who had not knowledge before.
Conclusion: Majority of the participants had high level of menstrual hygiene knowledge and
good practice. Different factors affect the practice of menstrual hygiene such as access of water,
residency, type of school and hearing about sanitary pads before.
Key words: - School girls, menstrual hygiene, Menarche, Hygiene factors, Bahir Dar
School girls, Menstrual hygiene, Menarche, Hygiene factors, Bahir Dar