The Geology, Timing Event and Roles of Quartz Porphyry Intrusions, in Vms Gold Mineralization at Terakimti Area, North-West Shire, Northern Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa Universty


The volcanogenic massive sulfide gold and base metal mineralization at Terakimti area is part of the Southern Arabian Nubian Shield. This is one of the gold and base metal enriched area among many terrains in the shield and Northern Ethiopia. Many exploration companies and research groups are attracted to this area. The mineralization at Terakimti is intruded by several quartz porphyry intrusions. This work is conducted to determine the geology, the timing relation between the quartz porphyry intrusions with each other and with the VMS deposits and roles of the intrusions on the mineralization. Different methods are adopted to complete this work. These are geological mapping and structural description; thin section and polished section description of the lithologies; analysis and interpretation of the trace and major elements of major host rock units. More over the precious and base metal element interpretations is conducted. The major lithological units of the area includes basalts, rhyolits, some mafic and felsic volcanoclastics, several quartz porphyry intrusions, several quartz veins and gossans. The porphyry intrusions show homogenous characteristic of geological, mineralogical, structural and geochemical (major, trace, precious and base metallic) element. Based on the time of formation three types of mineralization are identified at Terakimti area. These are VMS deposits, mineralization in the quartz porphyry intrusions and supergene deposits The mineralization and the metallic elements of the VMS systems at Terakimti are remobilized by the late coming quartz porphyry intrusions. As compared to the VMS deposits, the quartz porphyries are weakly mineralized and it interrupts the continuity of the VMS deposits. The remobilization and relocation of the massive sulfide deposits and mineralized bodies causes slightly scattered distribution of the VMS deposits. The gossan is related to the two types of mineralization especially the VMS. Generally this work described the basic relation between the mineralization of Terakimti area and could have contribution to the scientific community and the exploration groups.



Mineralization at Terakimti

