The Experience of Child Loss and Childbearing in Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Child /llOrlaliry aggravare burden all 1I1OIhers ill differenl 1I'{lYS, A/I/(}lIg Ihis Ihe
SllIdy /ilCused Oil ils e{teCi on illcreasing Iheir life lime pregnancy 10 replace Iheir 1(1.11 ('hiM alld
son/(' (~r rl/e/l/ I/'tlr ill losing the one tha t 11'OS replaced alld decide ill gipil1g forge nffll/her (l
hirlhs {() Iw secured. To examine Ihis effeci of ch ild loss experience all ferlilii.", ('\'('J" /I"/lTied
/<'/11011'.1 of U'llwduclil 'e age IVilh ar leaSI one childbearing experiellce lI'ere seleu('(l/iwlI EDI-IS
2{)()5. Firsl dll'-sq/l(/re was used /0 rest Ihe association of del11()grophic. heil(ll';ora/ (Inti
S(lci()('Cllllfll/lic I'IIrioh/es Ivilh ferlilily measured by CB or CEB, Melhodl' like IJ)'(ISS e!r )'(Ilio olld
dill<'r(')(1 Bi' l'IIrillies Irere implemenled 10 compare Ihe ferlilit), of mOlhers Irilh child loss
e.\"j}(Jricllce (1I1d II';,I! I/O experience. In oddilion (0 this binary /ogisric (lilt! COl/ill claw 11/odel
Po;.\"S(}/1 r('gu'ss/()/1 Ivere ill1plemented to exall1ine {he socioeconoll1ic. !J('//(/\';(}!"(f/ {lilt!
de/l/(l,~)'(Iphic delermillal1ls of ch ild loss and ferlility in Elhiopia, More OI'er Ihe slud, cie{lrlv
sho II '('(I 11((' di/li'rellli{li in child loss andferlilily by urban and rural residences Ivilh r('spnl {() Ihe
delermillollis. The sludy used 111'0 sralislical s()fflllare '.I' SPSS and STA TA lor allolysis.
A 2,7 illcrease ill TFR for molhers \Vilh Ihe experience was obrained by usillg Bmss P/F ralio,
This implies 11/(/1 child loss experience had a big share in increasing Ihe TFR of 1I/(Illwrs, The
r('suh o( Ihe Ili l'ariwe {lnalysis sho\Ved Ihal an increase in Ihe level of child mOrlalii." I/(/d impaci
ill illcre{lsillg III(' 1('1'1'1 ()f ferlilil), which was measured by CEB, The poison regressioll model
illdiwled Ihal child loss experience, religion, age olmolher, lI1ariral duralioll, 1,l{lce ,,( residellce,
AFM, AFI3, d/l/"{/Iio/l of breaslfeeding, 1110lher's educarion and Iype of col"llraceplil'(' lIIelllOd lire
ill/jJur/alll t!e((,/"lIIil/(/I/{S offer/iliry of mothers. Similarly multivariate-logistic regression model
u'I'('(//cd IhOl exposllre to media, place oj residence, region of residence. sex or child ":;11i
(P<lJ.05), /I/{(/'iwl d/l/"{/Iion, AFM, oge of lIlolher, duralion of bre{)SI/eedill,~, " "(Irk .\11I11I,\ Ulld
edll('(J1 iOIl of /1101 hNS Ivi I h (P <0, 001) fOllnd 10 hal'e a siglllficalll effeci Oil l/1olhe rs c.ll'Ni (,IIC<, of
IIl1der/il '<' child loss.
The r('sllil cleurir illdicales child l/1orralil)' aJjecls Ihe/errililY oflllOlhers, alld Ihe el/iJl"/ 10 redllce
./i'rlililr a/ld child /llOrwlily ill Elhiopia Ivil/ be ./i-uil/id if grealer emphasis is gin'lI 10 Iheir
s()cio('c(JI/()lIIic. /JdwI 'ioral alld demographic determinants. More ()IIer if illdicw es 1//(/1 I1Il/ch
<'I/on is 1I('('d"d 10 redllcelerrililY in mral Elhiopia,
Childbearing in Ethiopia