Assessment of Chemistry Laboratory practical courses: The case of Kotebe College of Teacher Education
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Addis Ababa University
The general objective of this slUdy was to investigate and describe the awareness, altiludes and
practice of assessment of laboratolY courses in chemistry subject at KeTĀ£. For this end,
descriptive survey design was employed. Available sampling methods were used f or students,
laboratmy assistances and laboratmy manuals. Systematic random sampling was used for
instructors, laboratmy session observation and sample question papers. The data collected using
available and systematic random sampling methods was presented numerically in a descriptive
and narrative form. This was followed by the researcher 's analysis and interpretation. The
finding of this research suggests that the awareness and allitudes of instructors, laboratmy
assistances and students regarding assessment of laboratory practical courses was low. And
also, the practice of assessment of laboratory courses in chemistlY subject was in danger. To site
some, majority of the students (90. 2%) and surprisingly, (10.0.%) of students did not prefer to be
assessed with different assessment techniques and preferred to be assessed after laboratory
session respectively. Majority of instructors and laboratory assistances (80.. 5%) did not give feed
back for their students. Further more, instructors did not conduct laboratory practical
assessment. This was due to lack of instructional materials, work load and number of students
per laboratmy session as reported by both the instructors and the laboratmy assistance.
Therefore, the assessment system of chemistry laboratory practical courses is in crisis. The
demands of the 1994 ETP in relation to science curricula will not be met. Thus, science as
practical subject or as a means of solving problems needs a drastic change. Therefore, its
assessment need concrete effort of those who involved in the education sector. Finally, it also
recommended that cuncerned bodies of the college should prepare onjob training on assessment
of laboratory practical course and avoid the hindrancefactorsfor implementation of LPA.
Chemistry Laboratory practical courses