Determinants of Coffee Export Performance of Cooperative Unions and the Moderating Role Ethiopian Cooperative Commission Engagements in Improving Export performance of Cooperative Unions’ in Ethiopia

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In Ethiopia, cooperative unions engage in agricultural output export activities, in which. Coffee is the leading agricultural export commodity. There are different factors influencing the performance of coffee exporting cooperative unions. Thus, the purpose of this study was to assess the determinant factors that influence coffee exporting cooperative unions export performance and the role of ECC with a moderating variables between independent variables and coffee export performance of Cooepartive unions.Empericcally, there is limited studies on analysis of the moderating effect of the ECC in pertaining to coffee exporting cooperative unions. Therefore, this study was conducted to fill this gap by investigating into the factors influencng coffee export performance of cooperative unions while accounting for ECC's moderating role. This study is important in identifying determinants of coffee export performance of cooperative unions as well as moderating role of ECC in coffee export. The study used descriptive and explanatory research design and purposive sampling technique was used to collect primary data. This study was undertaken through collecting data from seven coffee exporting cooperative unions (out of twelve) through focus group discussions, key information interviews and surveys. The survey was conducted to collect data from 221 union employees using closed-ended questionnaires. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize data, whereas inferential statistics, specifically Multiple Linear Regressions, were used to conduct regression analysis to investigate the relationship between the independent and dependent variables, as well as the moderator role of ECC in imporiving Cooperative uinons coffee export performance. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 27. The finding of this study revealed that quality management practices, market access to experience, management commitment and capability, and marketing strategies are the most important factors determining coffee export performance of cooperative unions. All these variables have been found to have a positive and significant relationship with the performance of cooperative unions coffee export performance. The analysis of moderating variable revealed that the moderating variable, ECC roles, was found to be significant in determining export performance, and quality management practices and marketing strategies remain significant predictors of cooperative union export performance. As a result, emphasizing quality management practices and improving export market access through attractive marketing strategies can boost cooperative unions coffee export performance.



