Shallow Resistivity Invistigation in the Filowoha Fault, Addis Ababa
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Addis Ababa Universty
The effectiveness of the electrical resistivity methods
has been studied using various configurations over the Filwoha
Faul t. It has been opserved that the del inea tionof the faul t
was possible under differential weathering. Geoelectric
sections across the fault has been prepared on the basis of
Schlumberger sounding results. In profiling three diffllrent
electrode configurations namely Wenner, two-electrode and
half-Schlumberger, were used along profile AA' and Wenner only
in Profile BB'.
On,the basis of data obtained from profiles AA' and BB'
it was possible to delineate the strike and extent of the fault
\d thin Addis Ababa. Furthermore, the interpretation of the
resul ts in AA' su!!/!ests that the two-electrode configuration
posses a certain diagnostic feature which heln in mapping latteral
contact of this type.
The age of the fault is es timated to be between 5. O~la and
6.4 M.yrs. and the down thrown side is to the south.
Filwoha Faul