The Implementation of Extra Learning In Opportunities Industrialization Center-Ethiopia: a case study.
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Addis Ababa University
This study aimed at investigating the implementation of extra learning
program in the OICE, which is establi shed at Bole Michel center in
Bole-sub-city, Addis Ababa city administration. To this end, 46
participants of the center, 2 facilita tors and the branch head of the set
up were included in to the study by taking two schools (Ayeramba
Junior Schools and Bole Secondary School) as a case of study.
Qu estionnaire and unstructured in terview were used to secure the
n ecessary data from these sources.
The research was conducted by a pplying a case study by taking two
schools as a subject of study and the study used questionnaire s ,
interviews, observation and documen t analysis as an instrument of
da ta collection.
The result indicated that the participan t students seem to be satisfied
with the program at which they have got in the center. They could
s trengthen their formal school learning's by this supportive tutor or
computer aided instructor. The result further indicated that the EL
participants were least satisfied by its far distant location of the center
from most beneficiary ma s ses. Since this program is being facilitated
in controlled by the OICE set up without sharing to other organiza tion,
these have made the center in accessible to the masses in adequately
and properly as the big mission of the program.
It was also found out that teach ers had the vIew that the nature of
extra learning program implemen ted by th e set up were significant for
their professional support and to be skillfu l in life. These skills were
s ignificantly related to the studen t's satis faction with the cen ter in
positive direction. Further examina tion of some of the factors tha t
influ ence its effectiveness which migh t have influen ced the
implementa tion of the program students gave a bout their thinking was
al s o ma de clear. At least possible solution s were al so forwarded
depending on the findings.
Opportunities Industrialization Center-Ethiopia