Anal Ysys of the Depiction of Mary Am and Aisha in the Holy OUR' AN and the Authentic Ahadith: a Feminist Approach

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Addis Ababa University


This research aims at analyzing and showing trends of Islamic feminism. The research examines the roles played by two selected personalities in their given society and period. The ladies are selected from The Holy Qur'an and the hadith, which are the prime sources of Islam. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter tries to give information on the background of the study, its objectives and significance. The methodology used as well as the scope and limitations of the study are also described in this chapter. The next chapter is dedicated to the analysis and interpretations of Islamic feminist literary criticism. The developments and basic theories of Islamic feminism are also discussed. The third chapter focuses on the analysis and interpretation of the personalities and roles played by Maryam and Aisha in their respective societies. The last chapter is the summary and conclusion based on the analysis of the selected scriptural texts. It reiterates the core findings in a nutshell.



Anal Ysys of the Depiction
