Instructors participation in teacher development program: the case of Diredawa University
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Addis Ababa Universty
This study was conducted in Dire-Dawa University on instructors '
participation in Teacher Development Program (TDP). To investigate the
nature of instructors' participation in TDP five basic questions were
formulated. Proportional stratified sampling and purposive sampling
techniques were employed to take samples from the total population. To
gather relevant information questionnaire (75 instructors), interview (4-
instructors, 6-management, and 3-TDP staff) and document analysis were
used. Then after, the gathered data were analyzed quantitatively and
qualitatively by using concurrent nested strategy (mixed method). Among
the quantitative methods, inferential and descriptive methods were used.
The qualitative data were analyzed after collected and categorized.
Findings of this research show that, the instructors were participating in
few areas; they have benefited from their participation in the available
areas of TDP, and the competence of the program facilitators was found
satisfactory with some limitations, such as, integrating the discussion with
current research out puts and the immediate environment where they can
be put in to practice and finally the role of the university management was
found unsatisfactory. Instructors were found participating regardless of
their pedagogical background and there was no statistically significant
difference in getting help across schools in the university from
participation. In order to get the desired contribution from the program
such recommendations as the program should be led by individuals who
are professionally and academically competent, the instructors should be
committed for the progress of their own profession, and the UM should
change their attitude towards the program were made.
Teacher development