The Factors Contributing for Expansion of Informal Settlements: The Case Study of Yeka Sub-City, Addis Ababa Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
In the cities of developing countries especially in sub-Saharan Africa, poverty, unemployment
rate, poor living condition, lack transparency and accountability, lack of good governance are
the major factors to contribute for the people to hold land informally and built houses for
residential or other purposes. In most of Ethiopian cities informal settlement is highly seen in
peripheral areas this is because people can easily to hold land for housing from local farmers,
brokers, speculators without permission from concerning bodies. Thus, studying the contributing
factors for expansion of informal settlement was found to be a crucial.
The general aim of the study is identify factors that contribute for expansion of informal
settlement and examine its impact on urban land Administration in Yeka sub city, Addis Ababa,
A combination of both quantitative and qualitative methods can complement each other and
allow for more complete analysis my study. Accordingly, in this study a mixed approach methods
which is a procedure for collecting and analyzing both quantitative and qualitative data have
been used. However, during the study peripheries of woreda of the sub city that means woreda
10, 12 and 13 were selected with regard to with reliability and validity thoughts. From this total
three woredas eleven ketenas has been identified for the study.
In periphery area of Yeka sub city, particularly woreda 10, 12, and 13 illegal houses building
was expanded from time to time. Farm plot were the highest vulnerable plot for the expansion of
informal settlement in this study area (that means about 55% of the illegal built houses) were
exist on the area which was far previous.
On another hand, day to day the population which was migrated from rural to urban area to got
job opportunity has been highly settled in this periphery area temporarily, thus, to use this
opportunity as revenue generation, illegal house construction was held.
In periphery area to ensure the development of urban land and protect it from being informal
settlement, actively involvement of all stockholder will be very important starting from planning
to implementation
Factors for informal settlement expansion and its impact on urban land administration.