Problems of Admission and Placement Of High School Lea Vers into the Higher Education Institutions: A Case Study of Three Faculties of Education
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Addis Abeba university
The main purpose of this study is to assess the problems in the admission and
placement process of high school leavers into the higher education institutions in the
field of teacher education. To achieve this purpose, basic questions concerning the
admission and placement process were raised.
The study was conducted in selected three Higher Education Institutions which
IraiN high school teachers. The sources of data are 126 academic administrative staff
memhers and instructors and -154 students and one acting department head.
Qlfestionnaires, interviews and document analysis were the instruments lIsed to collect
data for the stlfdy. The data obtained are analyzed using percentage, frequency
distrihlftion and simple correlations and regressions. Based on the analysis made the
following majorjindings are obtained.
Dlfe to the nature of the exam and lack of proper management ESLCE alone is not a
good instrument to select competent high school leavers into the teacher education
High schoolleavers are assigned to different institutions using talent distribution system
hlfl the placement of freshmen stl/dents into different Faculities is based on academic
achievement and interest. Both types of !!J)lstems contradict each other and as a result
/Jolh Education Faculities and students get no advantage. Due to lack of students'
imerest and talent and ability, the attrition rate is high in Education Faculilies.
Admiting females and other high school leavers from the DeveLoping Regions (Afar,
Beneshangul, Gambela, Somalia) into the Higher Education Institutions with lower
ESLCE-GPA helps to promote their enrollment only at freshman programme. Since no
tutorial classes and other special supports are given in the Education Faculities the
prohability of attrition rate is high jc)r these students.
Teacher edl/cation is the least fell ored programme in all insritl//ions. The artitude of
greall11c~iority of students towards educa/ion programme is lolt' and Ihus the majoriry of
rhem wan/ to change their field,> of stl/dy.
Based on the jindings obtained the following recommendations are provided:
One (?f the preconditions to get competent and qualified high school teachers is to make
the teaching profession attractive. This needs improving of teachers evaluation !!Jystem
und payment of hardship and housing allowancesfor remote and /"lIral areas .
. )'Imients \Yould be succes:,jul if they are assigned 017 the basis of their interests and
t((lems, so that entrance examinariol7s and interviews are good insrmments to identify
eligihle candidates.
Establishment of preparato/y schools help to collect potential students from the high
schools and each higher education institution has to organi=e "trel'wthened Tuidance and
counseling services to help individual students to cope up their personal and
psychological problems
Admission And Placement