Addis Ababa University College of Education and Behavioral Studies School of Psychology

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The main objective of this research was to make assessment on the level of mental distress, coping mechanisms measurement scale and resilience building level of children of streets at selected sub cites in Addis Ababa. The living environments of children of the street were very harsh and slummy. They were unable to meeting their basic necessities such as food, cloth and secure sleeping places, and also lacked access to services such as health; education, recreation and also highly affected by diseases, depression and other psychological effects. The data pertinent to the study was gathered through a standardized questionnaire in four areas i.e. basic background information, mental distress level, coping mechanisms and resilience building level. The data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistical principles. In the research, the number of children of street are increased to flow the capital city mainly due to poverty, peer pressure and conflict with parents. This particular study was addressed 128 (111 males and 17 females) children of street children who live in Addis Ketema, Arada, Lideta and Kirkos sub- cities in Addis Ababa. A self-report measure consisting of demographic characteristics related questionnaire on mental distress, coping strategies and resilience level measurement scale was used to collect data. The results have shown that all participants had high level of mental distress. Regarding coping strategies, the finding was indicated that the participants seeking social and spiritual supports. They also try to work for earning their life by selling items, in the middle of the roads which is exposed them in full of risks and playing lottery games as well as begging mostly. On resilience building issues, the finding was revealed that the children of streets those have secondary education level are better in the resilience building rather than primary school and non-education respectively.



Mental Distress, Coping Mechanism, Resilience Building
