Spatila Modeling of Geo-Hazard Suceptiablity to Assess its Impact on the Major Infrastructure: the Case of Middle Awash Basin, Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
Geo-hazards, including earthquakes, ground fissuring, volcanic eruptions, and landslides, are crucial problems in Ethiopia causing heavy limitation on urbanization and infrastructural projects and, more in general, for the socioeconomic development of the country. Relatively speaking, the Main Ethiopia Rift Valley region is more susceptible to thus natural disasters. The production of susceptibility maps /hazard zonation mapping/ is the first step in managing a sustainable risk mitigation program in any geo-hazard -prone area. These study focused on Geo-hazard susceptibility mapping using Remote sensing and GIS technology, to assess the vulnerability of existing infrastructures at the middle Awash basin, Main Ethiopian Rift Valley. An attempt was made to map three geo-hazard susceptibilities namely; landslide, seismic, volcanism and associated of the three geo-hazards using Analytical Hierarchy Process method. For these purpose, eight spatial data layers were generated and evaluated. Thus are land use landcover, Faults, and lineaments; active volcanic vent, slope, topography, soil texture and lithology. The Data were combined based on their significance, to produce a susceptibility map of each hazard type. The result of the susceptibility mapping done for each hazard has been classified into four classes and their spatial area coverage also calculated.
To validate the geo-hazard susceptibility generated by Analytical Hierarchy Process technique, differential interferogram (DInSAR) method were applied. The method was done by using a two year six months temporal baseline master and slave image co-registration. The two results (i.e AHP model and SAR result) were correlated using linear regression and Receiver Operating Characteristics curve analysis. From this; the result revealed that the performance of the model was acceptable. The hazard zones could practically be used to assess the vulnerability of existing infrastructure in the study area. Finally using the three combined hazard risk map the vulnerability of infrastructures and other property was assessed through spatial overlay in their location.
Analytical Hierarchy Process, Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry, Geo-Hazard, Susceptibility