Assessment of HIV/AIDS services quality in health centers of East Shoa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa Universty


Introduction: HIV/AIDS is the most serious worldwide public health problem of the current generation. As part of the multi sectoral response to mitigate the impact of this pandemic, the government of Ethiopia is providing different care services to people living with HIV/AIDS free of charge. The country has made substantial gains in the ART programme by expanding access to peoples living with HIV/AIDS. Nevertheless, retention of enrolled clients in treatment services, capacity for laboratory screening and point-of-care monitoring at health facilities require further improvement. The treatment coverage, particularly for pediatrics groups is very low. There are also additional reported problems with patient satisfaction on different service dimensions. So, the findings from this study may help to better understand the above and other problems associated with HIV/AIDS services in the study area and device a mechanism on how to overcome them. Objective: To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, To assess the quality of HIV/AIDS services in health centers East Shoa Zone, Oromia region, Ethiopia. Oromia region, Ethiopia. Oromia region, Ethiopia.Oromia region, Ethiopia. Oromia region, Ethiopia.Oromia region, Ethiopia.Oromia region, Ethiopia. Oromia region, Ethiopia. Oromia region, Ethiopia.Oromia region, Ethiopia. Method: A mixed method using both cross sectional survey design and qualitative interview was conducted in selected health centers of East Shoa Zone between February and May, 2017February and May, 2017February and May, 2017 February and May, 2017 February and May, 2017February and May, 2017February and May, 2017February and May, 2017February and May, 2017 February and May, 2017 February and May, 2017February and May, 2017 February and May, 2017 . Quantitative data was collected using researcher administered structured questionnaire, logistics indicators assessment tool and observation check list. Patient satisfaction assessment was made through exit interview using five point likert scale based questions. Qualitative data was collected using key informants‟ interview at each health centers. Results: The study was conducted in 8 selected health centers and all of them were providing different services including TB diagnosis and treatment, family planning services, disease and drug adherence counseling and opportunistic infection prophylaxis and treatment. They were also offering ART and anti pain medicines prescription and dispensing, different PMTCT services and ART laboratory serices. All (100%) and 6 (75%) facilities respectively had shortage of trained human power required to give ART and TB services. Five health centers (62.5%) had no CD4 count machine at the time of the survey and facilities having CD4 machine also had scarcity of reagent. Regarding ARV medicines availability, majority of the study facilities, 5 (62.50%) reported that thay had the stockout of AZT300/3TC150/NVP200 in six months prior to study while 4 (66.7%) of the facilities had the stockout of NVP 240ml (50mg/5ml) syrup on day of visit. Among anti TB medicines, E100 was out of stock in three facililities (37.5%) on day of vist and INH100 had been out of stock in 4 (50%) of the facilities in six months prior to the study. From OIs medicines, Cotrimoxazole 960mg tablet stockedout in 4 (66.70%) on day of visit and in 5 (83.30%) health centers in six months prior to the study. Considerable number of study facilities, 4 (66.70%) had the stockout of tramadol 50mg tablet on day of visit and ibuprofen 400mg tablet in six months prior to the study, 5 (71.40%). The overall mean patient satisfaction score was 3.16 (SD=0.87) on a 1-5 scale. Availability of anti TB drugs in pharmacy was an item with the highest mean satisfaction score (4.18± 0.61) while waiting time to get pharmacy service was ranked least by the patients (mean score of 1.92, SD= 0.81). Conclussion and Recommendation: This study indicated that patients were generally slightly satisfied with the services they obtained and that the study facilities were challenged by different factors including, scarcity of trained human power, stockout of various HIV/AIDS related medicines and inability to make patients adhere to the services given by the facilities. The consequenses of these factors can be dangerous to the patients as well as to the wider public and hence making available the appropriate human resource and HIV/AIDS related commodities including medicines should be the priority for the health facilities and the region to improve the quality of HIV/AIDS services in the study area.



HIV/AIDS, Service quality, Patient satisfaction, Health center, East Shoa Zone
