Women as Victims /perpetuators of patriarchy: A Case study of Women Vendors in two Localities in Addis Ababa

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Addis Ababa University


This study attempts to explain women as safe guardians of patriarchy, a system that maintains male supremacy over women. The aim is to explain the reasons as to why women are contributing to the perpetuation of a system that makes them remain in subordination to men. It tries to explain how the research participants do understand their role as perpetuators of patriarchy, by the lens of their own point of view. It also draws upon feminist thoughts and explanations on patriarchy and the gender division of labor. The objective is to provide a critical view on contribution of women to the perpetuation of patriarchy. It is an attempt to add on to what have been identified through previous researches as factors that maintain the system of male domination over women. It tries to give an insight on a not well observed issue, which is the contribution of women in maintaining patriarchy. This research is a small project that investigates the experience of thirty six women vendors who reside around what is locally known as ‘Abinet’ area and ‘Gega Sefer’ at the Lideta Sub City of the capital city, Addis Ababa. The inquiry framework of this research is mainly qualitative methodology while quantitative methods are also used for data collection and analysis. Two kinds of data collection methods namely: in-depth interview and focus group discussion are used in this study. The findings are analyzed and interpreted through the perspectives of the research participants and feminist theories on patriarchy. This study reveals that the research participants are aware that the gender based division of labor, which is interwoven with cultural norms and values is one reason for their low social status. Besides, they have the understanding that gender based division of labor is a socially constructed phenomena and that it is subject to change. However, they are less critical of their own contribution in the transferring of the existing traditional gender division of labor to generations and consequently to the perpetuation of a system that subordinates them



Gender Studies

