Ataxonomic Study of Blepharis Edulls(Forssk.) Pers. Complex (Acanthaceae)
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Addis Ababa,University
The species /3Iep/1oris eduJj~· (Forssk.) Pers. has jor long been miSlaken w;lh B.
linariaejolia Pers. and B. cjfiari~' (L) B. L. Bun or IJ. boranensis Vollesen (ined.) alld
most ojlhe colleclions identified indiscriminately. While revising Ihe genus. of/empl
by Vollesen 10 separa/e (he species. Ihough wilh considerable observed
morphological varitlliOn oj specimens, wasjillile and recommended on in ftC/specific
sludy based on morphology. This sl/Idy, therejore, employs phenelic lechniques on
gross morphology. bOlh mtllure and seedlings characlers in conjllncfion wilh
palynological evidence to disenlangle 13. edl/lis complex and re/ated (axa. Clllster
analysis segregatedjour groups. which were jimher verified by Principal Component
AnalYSis. Discriminant Analysis and Non·Paramelrlc Analysis. Importantly,
vegetative and floral characters discontinuollsly or panially separawd fhe accrlled
ell/Sler groups. These results were jimher supported by IXilynology. Subsequently,
rhese laxQ wac de~·r.:ribcd as B. boranem'ls Vollesen (ined). /J edulls var. edulis
Pers .. B. edulis var. glabra Malombe var. nov. and B. edulis var. isabellae Malombe
var. nov. The species B. boranensis, a pan jrom elmr separtllion in the ordination
space. it is morphologically discrete from all the OIher qffilialed groups. /J edulis
var. edulis is dislinguished discontinuously jrom B. edulis var. isabellae and panialiy
from B. edlliis var. glabra by [etll llres of cOlyledoll colOllr. lIumber and arrangement
of leaf marginal spines. More so. Ihe three varieties lack a wide geographical
Ataxonomic Study