Phrasal Translation for Amharic English Cross Language Information Retrieval (Clir)

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Addis Ababa University


Amharic is a language most widely used in Ethiopia and serve as the official working language of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Despite this fact, English serves as medium of instruction and communication in academic environment, working language in some governmental and nongovernmental organizations in Ethiopia. This fact showed that there is a language barrier between what most peoples of Ethiopia are familiar with and expected to use in their working and academic environment. Hence, experimenting on the applicability of a cross language information retrieval system for Amharic-English which can break the language barrier is important. This research is mainly conducted to break the language barrier that Amharic speaking users face in obtaining and utilizing documents available in English. The experimentation conduct is employed a corpus based approach which make use of phrasal query translation. This approach requires accessibility of a large volume of parallel documents prepared in Amharic and English. News article were used to conduct this research. The performance of the system was measured by average precision and recall. The result of the experimentation is recall value of 0.248 for translated Amharic queries, 0.463 for Amharic queries 0.436 for the baseline English queries. This showed that the result of the translated queries was low compared to the baseline queries. The performance of such system is highly dependent on the phrase translation system. Hence coming up with a good translation model will have a paramount impact on the performance of the system. Therefore, with the use of adequately large and cleaned parallel Amharic-Englishcorpus, it is possible to develop a phrasal query translation for Amharic English a cross language information retrieval. Key words: phrasal query translation, Cross Language Information Retrieval, phrase alignment



phrasal query translation, Cross Language Information Retrieval, phrase alignment
