An Assessement of Principal Leadership Styles and its Implication on Teachers’ Job Commitment in Government Primary Schools Yeka Sub City, Addis Ababa City Adminstration

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Teacher’s job commitment is highly influenced by the leadership style used by the school principals and this creates a higher impact on student’s way of learning. The main objective of this study was to assessment the principal leadership styles and its impact on teachers’ job commitment in government primary school yeka sub city, Addis Ababa City administration. To accomplish its intended objective the study employed a descriptive and explanatory design. The study was carried in seven government primary schools and used simple random sampling techniques to get 249 teachers. Questioner was the main instrument of data collection. The instrument for the study was a five point Likert type. Principal leadership styles and Teachers job commitment were identified as independent and dependent variable respectively. Reliability and validity of instruments has been addressed through piloting in 2 schools in yeka sub city. After the data was obtained the researcher used SPSS for data analysis. Descriptive and inferential statistics (correlation and regression) was way of data analysis. As founded from SPSS analysis by the researcher the adjusted R2 value for the leadership dimensions the independent variables accounts for 38.1 % of the variation in job commitment. While 61.9% accounts the other unexplored variables to explain the variation in the dependent variable (job commitment). Finally, Transformational leadership is the best style on leadership that could enhance high teacher’s job commitment in government primary schools. So the researcher accepts only the first hypothesis and rejects the remaining three hypotheses. Based on the study finding it was recommended that head teachers should use effective leadership style that enhance collective responsibility and create conductive environment in schools.



: Leadership, Principal, Commitment, Transactional, Transformational, Autocratic, Democratic
