Causes and Impacts of Marginalization of Manjo Clan in South Nation Nationalities and Peoples Region of Ethiopia: the case of Saylem Woreda in Kafa Zone
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The main purpose of this study was to assess the causes and effects of marginalization of
Manjo clan in Kafa Zone Saylem Woreda. Accordingly, the study employed descriptive
survey design. The main sources of data for the study were three Kebeles that found in
Saylem Woreda. In order to select the sample respondents, systematic random and
purposive samplings were used. Thus, 280 respondents (126 Manjos and 154 non Manjos) were selected on the basis of systematic random sampling. Besides, eleven (11)
people were selected through purposive sampling for interview. Both quantitative and
qualitative data were collected using questionnaire and interview guide. The analysis of
the quantitative data was carried out using percentage, mean and standard deviation
while the qualitative data was analyzed using narration and theme building. The result of
the study disclosed that the Manjos in the studied kebeles were marginalized and suffered
from the effects of their marginalization. The findings also revealed that marginalization
of Manjo was caused by their linage or descent, low occupational status, breaches of
food taboo, contradictory cultural practice, hygiene problem and problem of
characteristics. The study also depicted that the consequences of marginalization of
Manjo clan were socio cultural (absence of social relation, denial of communality,
prohibition of intermarriage, denial of burial process and denial of membership in
community organizations), economic ( limitation of access to participate, absences of
favorable working place, restriction of exchange in the market, limitation of products and
engagement in less valued works) and political (limitation of opportunity to take part in
and lack of their own representative). The study also founded that the possible strategies
to reduce marginalization of Manjo were awareness creation, providing opportunity,
empowerment and protection. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended
that the government agencies, religious institutions, NGO’s and local administrators in
the study area should collaboratively work hard to reduce marginalization of Manjo clan
and maintain health socio-cultural, economic and political relationship withManjo.
Marginalization, causes, consequences, strategies