Evaluating the Efficacy of Turmeric Solution as Cytoplasmic Stain in Routine Staining Procedure

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Addis Ababa University


Background: histopathology is a gold standard method in pathology where tissue samples are grossed, processed, cut, stained, mounted and microscopically evaluated. Samples of tissue are taken from patients and then prepared using appropriate staining protocols to detect and diagnose the disease. Hematoxylin and eosin is the most pronounced technique. Eosin is a synthetic dye derived from fluorescein. Eosin is hazardous to humans and animals. With the increasing awareness of green earth it is advisable to use more of eco-friendly and biodegradable material which can be effectively achieved by the use of natural dye from plants and other natural sources. Turmeric available as curcuma longa (domestic) is believed to have staining property. Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of turmeric solution as cytoplasmic stain in hematoxylin and eosin staining procedure for substitution of hazardous eosin. Method: prospective cross-sectional method and convenience sampling technique was used at Tikur Anbesa Specialized hospital pathology department in August 2020. Forty tissue blocks were used. From each block three sections were taken at 4µm thickness, a total of one hundred twenty sections grouped into three and stained turmeric with mordant (H&TM), turmeric without mordant (H&T) and conventional eosin (H&E) staining methods. Staining was evaluated by three histopathologists independently, using standard checklist. Slides were scored using six parameters: Nuclear, cytoplasmic, uniformity, clarity, crispness and background of staining. Slides that satisfied at least four of the aforesaid parameters were considered adequate for diagnosis. Z- test and chi-square test were used to compare the difference among the three methods, p-value < 0.05 considered significant. Result: TM stained slides were adequate for diagnosis was comparable with that of the conventional eosin method. There was no statistical significant difference among pathologist as well as the methods p- value was >0.05(0.123). On average from a total of 120 stained slides, 112(93.3%) stained slides were adequate for diagnosis and 8 (6.7%) inadequate. but adequacy and substituting capability of HT with that of eosin showed high discrepancy in adequacy. There was statistical significant difference among methods p- value was<0.05(0.00) .On average from a total of 120 stained slides 69(57.7%) were adequate for diagnosis and 51(42.5%) inadequate.



Health hazardous, staining, substitute, turmeric, mordant.

