The Status of Environmental Education in Selected Second Cycle Primary Schools of Arsi Zone
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to assess the integration of EE in to Geography and Biology
Curriculum Guides and Student 's Textbooks and the factors hindering the proper implementation
of EE in selected Second Cycle Primary Schools of Arsi Zone. In doing so, an attempt was made
to analyze the curricula materials for integration of EE objectives, contents and teaching
methods through content analysis. Besides, teachers' and students' knowledge and attitude
regarding environmental co ncerns were examined by using descriptive survey. The subjects
included were 300 students and 32 teachers from 10 primary schools of the zone. Moreover,
focus group discussion was conducted in a school on causes, nature and possible solutions of the
major environmental problems. Interviews were also held with regional education bureau
curriculum experts and zonal natural resource protection experts. The quantitative data were
analyzed using frequencies and percentages. The result of the s tudy showed that EE objectives,
con tents and teaching methods were not adequately integrated. Besides, lack of refresher
trainings and curricula materials were found to be the main factors hindering the proper
implementation of EE in the respectiv e primary schools. The study revealed that teachers and
students have positive attitudes towards conservation of resources. None th eless, their practical
activities of environmen tal protection in the schools were found to be low. Based on these
findings, it was recommended that offering refresher trainings and motivating the subject
teach ers for environmental protection and integrating EE in to different subjects, typically
Geography and Biology is vital to develop students' environmental knowledge, skill, attitude and
Environmental Education