Assessment of Strategic Human Resource Management Practices - The Case of Ethiopian Postal Service Enterprise

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Addis Ababa University


A primary objective of this study is to evaluate strategic human resources management (SHRM) practices concerning recruitment and hiring, training, and development. Participants in the study were line managers of the Main Post Office located at the Ethiopian Postal Service, Addis Ababa Region Post Office, and Arada Zone Post Office. The sample population for the present study was 100 line managers of the postal services and out of the 80 line managers were selected for the sample size to collect primary data through questionnaires and interviews. The sample design of the study was a stratified sampling method. Quantitative data was analysed by employing descriptive statistical instruments. The study recommends that the EPSE work more for devolving HR manager's responsibilities to line-manager, the integration of Business Strategy and Organizational strategy, and set of internally consistent policies and practices that ensure the Post Office's human capital which contributes to the achievement of its business objectives. The significant findings are that transitioning to lean manufacturing should be complemented by well-designed HR practices and devolving HR by recognizing line manager's value and forming partnerships. The primary recommendation is that the postal service needs more in-depth research to understand the different ways in which HRM responsibilities are devolved to line managers, especially in periods of organizational change.



strategic human resources management, Training, Recruitment and Hiring
