Quality and Implementation of Research Studies in Tigray Region Colleges of Teacher Education
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Addis Ababa University
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the quality and implementation of research in
solving educational problems at Abyi Adi and Adwa colleges of teacher education. A total of 156
instructors participated in the study from the two colleges. Both quantitative and qualitative dara
were collected from the instructors, researchers, deans and vice deans, department heads,
research and publication offices, staff development units, higher diploma leaders of the colleges
and regiol/al education bureau offices using questionnaires, interviews, focus group discussion
and document analysis. The data obtained through the questionnaires were analyzed using
correlation, descriptive statistics, independent t-test, paired t-test, one way ANO VA and multiple
regressions. While the data obtained through interview, focus group discussion and document
analysis were analyzed using themes, categories, patterns and matrix. The quantitative results of
this study portrayed the relationship between instructors' work experience and research practice
was very low. This study also showed that instructors' teaching experiences, research training
and qualifications have little or no effect in research practice. The participants at the research
conference were neither perceived nor satisfied by the overall the quality of the research
presented and practiced at the colleges. Also they did not perceive and implement the research
findings and recommendations. Therefore, the research studies have little values in solving
educational problems. The qualitative results shared that researchers did not give attention to
quality. As a result, the research studies were poor in quality and performance. Likewise, there
was a gap between research studies and its implementations. The research stakeholders did IIOt
give attention to the implementation of research findings/recommendations. Moreover, research
users did not benefit from the research studies. On the basis of the findings of the study, the
overall the research studies and the proceedings of educational research conference had little
value in solving educational problems as they were of poor quality.
Teacher Education