Effect of Internal Audit on Organizational Performance: The Case Study of Goal Ethiopia

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The main objective of the study was to examine the effect of internal auditing on organization's performance of GOAL Ethiopia in Addis Ababa. Descriptive study design was used for this study. Both qualitative and quantitative approaches are employed. Both primary data and secondary sources are used to collect the data. Primary data was collected using administered questionnaires from 40 respondents and interview was made with higher officials and auditors. secondary sources were collected from different existing documents and books. Descriptive statistical tools such as percentages, mean and standard deviations are used in analyzing the data collected. The descriptive analysis shows all except top management support were found to have high influence on audit performance of the organization. According to the study, it is confirmed that career and advancement, professional competence, quality of audit work, and lack of enough top management support, lack of periodic revision of the guideline, lack of independency of the auditors and non-compliance of auditors to some extent to the guideline were found to be the issues that are disturbing effectiveness of audit activity in the study area. Furthermore the correlation analysis shows there is a positive and significant association among the factors affecting auditing and audit performance of the organization. Finally, based on the findings some recommendations were forwarded to the organization.


