A Study on the Utilization of Educational Television (Plasma) in the Secondary Schools of East Gojjam Zone
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Addis Ababa University
This study was set to examine the status quo of variables in the utilization of instructional TV as
a direct medium of teaching in the Secondary Schools of East Gojjam Zone. Educational
expansion in the study zone has considerably increased the number of students up to 122 in a
class, which in turn inevitably need increment of teachers' number, classrooms and other
teaching materials. However, educational resources both the human and materials are lacking
behind to support the educational expansion and quality envisaged with the aim of universal
education declaration in the country. In this regard application of educational technologies can
be conceived for the amelioration of educational resource constraints such as insufficiency of
teachers both in numbers and qualification, teaching materials for demonstrations and
experiments, lack of well-facilitated libraries and laboratories, and others. In order to address
such constraints the MOE has decided to change the medium of instruction from conventional
teaching to TVas a direct medium of teaching in the secondary schools as of 2003.
In order to assess the contribution of lTV to students' learning and impediments facing in its
application, this study was envisaged. The study used survey research method. Representative
sample students and teachers were systematically selected through the combination of simple
and stratified random samplings in successive stages. Team leaders at EMA, Zone Education
Desk, woreda education heads and principals were selected as interviewees through purposive
sampling. Both primary and secondary, including quantitative and qualitative data were
collected from the sample population through two types of questionnaires, one for the students
and the other for the teachers. In addition interviewing, classroom observations during TV
instructions, and documentary analysis were carried out. The data were analyzed using
percentage, counts and t-test statistical tools. The analysis and interpretation of the study
resulted in the following major findings:
More than half percent of the classroom teachers were found underqualified for the grade level
they teach. There is a limitation in orienting students, teachers and parents about the benefits of
applying lTV As a result some students and some teachers do not perform their roles properly.
Majority of the students and the teachers prefer TV instruction to conventional classroom
teaching. Inappropriate time planning for introduction and follow up phases, carrying out
activities and observing visuals was identified as a major problem for efficient utilization of lTV.
Classroom assessment tests were not properly administered due to lack of time. There is acute
shortage of technicians, TV instruction guides for teachers and students', and TV sets. TV
teachers were acknowledged for their good qualities of appropriate content selection, arousing
students' interest for learning, well-organized working habits, preparation TV teachers' guides
and command of knowledge they teach (in most cases). On the other hand, TV teachers were
criticized for committing errors in some programs that hurdle easier assimilation of knowledge.
There are no efficient feedback mechanisms between TV teachers andlor EMA; and students,
teachers, and educational managers at operational level. Electric failures and mix up channels
were identified as the major causes for TV instruction interruption.
Even though utilization of TV instruction had faced many problems, its benefits out weigh the
limitations. Most of the existing problems identified in the findings can be minimize through
continuous monitoring mechanisms. So, it is concluded that Plasma TV instruction should be
used as a direct teaching medium of instruction both intensively and extensively.
Educational Television, (Plasma)