The Challenges of Technical Vocational Education and Training Colleges in Benshangul Gummuz Regional State
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of this study was to asse ss th e challenges of TVET Colleges in Benshangul
Gummuz Regional state. The study has been conducted in two governm ental and two
non-g overnmental TVET Colleges. Th e trainees, trainers, College management bodies ,
and Regional TVET experts were th e main sources of data for th e study. Stratified
random sampling approach was employed in se lectin g the trainers and train ee s.
Ques tionnaires, int erviews, observation check list, foc us group di scuss io n, and
document analysis were the instrum en ts use d for the co llec tion of data. The data
obtai ned through questionnaires were analyzed lI sin g statist ical instrum en ts likeĀ·
percenlClge and we igh l mean values. The data are analyzed and interpreled
quantitatively as well as quali tatively. Th e results obtained}i'om the study sugges t that
the TVET Colleges in th e region are not supplied with qualified an d skilled train ers and
lack machines, equipm ent, workshops, libraries, classrooms, bo oks, and other facilities.
Furthermore, jindings reveal tha t lack of adequate facilities, shortage of skilled
manpower, lac k of awareness r egarding TVET stra tegy, lack of adequate budget, and
lack of co mmitm ent of concerned bodies are ch allenges of TVET colleges in th e reg ion.
Besides, Colleges are no t well organ ized and have not enough resources to implem ent
current TVET curriculum. La ck of skill ed trainers, lack of facilit ies and machinelY and
weak internal organiza tion are major challe nges of trainees in th e co ll ege while,
unsuccessjid Center of Compe tency (CaC) exam, compe ting with oth ers and lack of
emp loyers are expected challenges fo r train ees . The re is no p rofess ional guidance and
counseling in the colleges and trainees cannot dec ide th eir opportun ity and will have
job. Lack of co ope rative training and cac assessments is not employed and these have
an effect on quality training. Finally, Based on the jindings and conclusions, th e
following p oints were recommended to address the ex isting challenges in the Region'
under stildy: Staff development in th e Colleges; internally organized TVET systems in
the region and TVET institution ; and raise social awareness about th e importance of
TVET in th e reg ion for all societies should seri ously be considered Necessmy fac ilities
should also be jii/filled In addition, tra cery studies sho uld be carried out before
providing training, and trainees have to be enco urage d in selfemploymen t. Bes ides
strength en ing the labor market information system; establish ing and enhancing
technology tramier department; enhancing s up er visOly and professio nal support;
offering opportunities for jilrther educa ti on for trainers ; and establishing professional
guidance and counseling servi ces are issues to be addressed
Benshangul Gummuz Regional state.