The State of Practical Work Implementation in Biology in Some Upper Primary School of Selected Woredas in Bench- Maji Zone
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Addis Ababa University
Practical work method considered to be an essentials ways of teaching science and
educators have suggested the many benefits accrue from engaging students in science practical
activities, even though a number of factors influences its effective implementation. The purpose
of this study was to determine the state of practical work implementation and factors impeding
the activity in teaching biology in this line it focuses on the, significance of practical works,
magnitude of use, types of practical activities and factors hindering its implementation.
The study was conducted in eight selected upper primary schools in three woredas and one
town administration Bench - Maji Zone of SNNPR. In order to carry out this study the
researcher has employed the descriptive survey method. For the study the woredas with
relatively accessible were identified using purposive sampling techniques. Data were collected
from the schools which were selected by non-random proportional stratified sampling procedure
according to the number of upper primary schools in each woreda. Accordingly,139 seventh
grade and 128 eighth grade students were also selected using the same procedure and systematic
technique for representatives. A total of 31 teachers were taken purposefully. In regarding the
data from the respondents, questionnaires consisting of 14 and 24 items for students and teachers
respectively were used. To validate the data, interview questions of 9 and SO items respectively
were used in to three selected schools.
The data collected were analyzed and interpreted in series of table using percentage scores.
Accordingly, the majority of respondents have confirmed that, practical work method is rarely
employed or put into practice.
In this study, the current state of practical work in eight upper primary schools was found
to be very poor and in the spiral of traditional approaches that have greater emphases on recall of
knowledge and understanding of contents. Based on the finding, suggestions for the possible
solution are recommended.
State of Practical Work Implementation in Biology