Screening of Sorghum Genotypes Against Spotted Stem Borer, Chilo Partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)
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Addis Ababa University
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Monech) is among the leading cereal grains produced in
Africa and it is a staple food for millions of people in the continent. In Ethiopia, sorghum
stands third in terms of area coverage after teff and maize, and second in terms of yield per
hectare after maize. The spotted stem borer, Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) (Lepidoptera:
Crambidae) is a major constraint limiting production of sorghum in Ethiopia. The present
study was conducted at Melkassa Agricultural Research Center experimental field with the
main objective of screening sorghum genotypes which are resistant against Chilo partellus.
Two hundred one sorghum genotypes were planted at Melkassa Agricultural Research
Center in two replications in Randomized Complete Block Design. Twelve of these
genotypes were selected for artificial infestation study in screen house pot experiment
depending on stem borer percent infestation. The twelve genotypes were four from
resistance, four from intermediate and four from susceptible groups and they were planted in
pot in screen house in completely randomized design in three replications. Forty mated C.
Partellus adults were released in to the set up for artificial infestation of the genotypes.
Population growth of C. partellus was also studied on the most resistant and the most
susceptible genotypes. The results obtained indicate that there were high level of variability
among the genotypes tested both under natural infestation of field condition and artificial
infestation of pot-screen house experiment. Significantly (P < 0.05) lower number of egg
masses, lower percent hatchability, lower percent pupation and lower percent survival of C.
partellus were recorded on A3 X 76 T1 # 23 suggesting that there is a possibility of
developing C. partellus resistant varieties. However, further evaluation of the sorghum
genotypes, which are found in different adaptation areas are important and there is also a
great need to develop varieties by breeders that can resist stem borer attack.
Key words: Sorghum bicolor, spotted stem borer, genotypes, artificial infestation, screen
Sorghum bicolor, spotted stem borer, genotypes, artificial infestation, screen