Human Resource Management Practices in Amhara National Regional state: The Case of Wag Himra Zone Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutes
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Addis Ababa University
The majar aim in understanding this research was ta assess the practice af human
resaurce management In Amhara Natianal Regianal State the case af Wag Himra Zane
and there by forward possible suggestions for the improvement of TVET programs and in
order to perform the training, acquisition, retentian, recruitment ,and development
activities in available TVET institutions. The area of concern believed to be relevant to
examine the performance of TVET and employment prospects were prinCipals,
department heads, pracess caordinators, trainers, suppartive staff and board members.
To this end, a descriptive survey research method was employed for the study. The
sample TVET institutians were selected from Wag Himra Zone namely Sekota, Amdewerk
and Zequala TVET institutions. The subjects of the study include 3 principals, 13
department heads, 21 process coordinators, 51 trainers, 71 supportive staff and 21
board members. Stratified, simple random and purposive sampling techniques were
employed to select the TVET institutions and respondents. Questionnaire and interview
were instruments used for the purpose of collecting data. The result af the study
depicted that The findings show the numbers of Principals, Process Coordinators,
Department Heads, Suppartive Members, Academic staff Members and Board Members
are very low: the institutional efforts in working with the delegates of the society and the
local authorities offered to be capacity building trainings on the practice of Human
Resource Management found low, low effort and motivation of employees in using the
available supports, no clear mechanism available to follow problems faced by the
practices of Human Resource Management and insignificant trainings were found as the
major challenges in promoting organizational development and effective human
resource utilization. Hence, it is concluded that the exhibits status of TVET institutions in
the zone different challenges and employment prospects are not promising. In line with
the above findings and conclusions, therefore, it was recommended that TVET
institutions should, as such as possible: try to meet the standards set by MoE as stated in
the TVET strategies with regard to their staff and good if TVET institutions seek
permanent solution to the problem of funding training programs.
Human Resource Management Practices, In Amhara National Regional state