Attitude of People towards Marriage by Abduction and Victims' Psychosocial Experiences: The Case of Gofa Zuria Woreda in Gamo Gofa Zone (SNNPR)
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Addis Ababa University
The main objective of this study was to examine the attitude of people towards abduction and
victim's psychosocial experiences.
Gofa Zuria woreda in Gomo Gofa zone (SNNPR) was selected purposefully for this study. From
the woreda four 'kebels' Yala, Saziga, Sheafte and Kencho were selected as sample sites. Data
regarding the issue was collected from 360 people randomly drawn from the population of the
selected area. Moreover in each kebele a focus group discussion organized consisting of 12
members selected through purposeful sampling technique. Five victims selected using
convenient sampling technique were involved to share their experience.
The results were indicated using percentage; t-test and experiences were presented as narrated
by the victims. The findings depicted that significant number of people are in favor of abduction
when there is lack of consent on date of wedding and refusal by the girl and/or her parents of the
formal request by the boy. Moreover, results showed that considerable numbers of people are
blaming girls for their victimization of abduction, and they are highly attached with traditional
beliefs and myths encouraging abduction.
The t-test value revealed that there is no significant attitude difference towards abduction
between people belonging to age group 16-29 years and above 29 years. ant he 0 ther hand
significant attitude difference has been observed between female and male subjects of the study.
Experiences of victims showed that the trauma associated with abduction is so severe.
It is concluded that to stop abduction and enable girls to move freely with out any hesitation, large
scale awareness programs on the physical, social and psychological effects of abduction on the
victims should be advocated by governmental, non governmental and civic society to the
community, especially to the elders and religious leaders. Furthermore to uproot the age-old
attitude of people attached to abduction, its harmfulness should be addressed in elementary and
secondary school curriculum.