The Management of Primary School Facilities in Selected WeredasAris Zonr
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Addis Ababa Univerisity
Tllis study was conducted 10 identiJjl the major practices and problems prevailing around
the management of prim[lfY school facilit ies in Arsi zone. Particularly focusing on the
adequacy and compatibility of school facilil ies to the teaching learning and the
competence of school decision makers in the managemenl of school jacilities, were delt
\\lith to answer the basic research questions.
Purpose descriptive survey method was employed in this study. Data were collected using
tllree tvpe of quesiioli llaire to 5 Wereda Education Office Heads . .; WI'/"edo Educalioll
Planners, 13 supervisors 23 principals, 19 vice princ/fJals and 10.; Teachers " 'illl IOtal
168 respondents selecled ;;-0111 five Weredas and twenty five schools using purposive.
availability and ralldoll1 sampling techniques.
The dora were analyzed using percentages and chi-square test. The study finding
cOllveyed that the basic school facili ties such as classrooms, jill"niture. library and
laboratories were reported to be scarce and some of them were not available. Even the
available fac ililies " 'ere nOI organized appropriately 10 implell/en! Ihe lIel\" l11elhods of
leaching in the cunicllium. Furthermore, their planning and procuring systems have a
problem due to the illcoll1petence of school decision makers.
Depending on the findings and cone/us ions drawn ;;-01/1 the stlldy at capac it)' bllilding and
evaluating the systems of planning and procuring school fac ililies have been