An Assessment of Family Related Factors Affecting Educational Performance in Addis Ababa: The Primary Schools in Focus
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Addis Ababa University
The lIIain purpose of the study was to investigate the socio-economic factors which have an
illlpact on the acadelllic peljorlllance of public prilll{uy level students in Addis Ababa and
show the level of the problem and interventiolls made to help these studellts achieve the
required results in education. The central idea of this study was finding out the key socioeconolllic
f actors affecting the low peljorllling students in the public schools in order to
improve their results. For this to happen the study recommends the actors ill the study to
focus /provide more support/~rfort as was done for the other regions even though the
econolllic situation of Addis Ababa is relatively beller than the other rural areas. Based on
the existing literatures and the objective of the study research questions were formulated.
Parents and academic staff were sources of data for the study. Only qualitative method was
lIsed to collect data for th e study. Interview and Focus Group Discussions were the
instruments used to collect data. The instruments used for th e study helped to investigate all
the possible factors affected the academic peljormance in public primQly schools. The major
findings of the study are econolllic and falllily related factors alld lack of continuous and
coordinated adequate interventions ill the city. A nUillber of other crosscutting issues which
were interrelated with education were identified. The study indicated that more intervention
is needed by the actors in education sector to improve the public school achievements in
Addis Ababa. The public schools in the city are the lIIain places where high school dropout
rate isfound. Therefore, this clearly indicates that to decrease the dropout rate the local and
lion-local actors should put their efforts together and start working ill the public schools in
the city. Different socioeconomic fa ctors were identified by the study. Thus these are
illlportallt intervention areas for the actors interested in community areas to engage
thelllseives and bring the ill tended result and help students in the public schools to continue
their educatioll alld also achieve the desired results. In general the results of this specific
study can be important input for those who want to work on identifYing factors affecting
acadelllic achievelllent; school dropouts, under l1utrition, and child psychological illlpact 011
educatioll, the outcollle of/amily follow up on education and many others.
Family Related Factors Affecting Educational Performance