Survey Study on the practices of planned phange In education at local level in west Gojjam administrative zone
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Addis Ababa Universty
The purpose of this study is to examine the practice of planned change in education at the
local level. To meet the objectives of the study, relevant literatures, documents, reports,
periodicals had been treated. Descriptive method of study was employed. Questionnaires,
interviews and observation were used as instruments for collecting information.
Teachers, principals, Woreda education offices heads and experts and members of parent
teach ~r association were the source of data. An interview with two of higher officials, the
head and deputy, at regional education bureau was also conducted.
The collected information was systematically arranged and analyzed. Percentage and
numbers are used as tools for the reason that they make it easy to understand the jindings
and recommendations for most teachers, principals and political leaders who working at
local levels.
The study revealed that the critical problems of low student enrol/ment rate, sex and
geographical disparity, the absence of competent and motivated teachers and
eduClltionalleaders, the shortage of teaching materials and facilities ,and unconducive
schoul environment were the major internal causes that demand schools and Woreda
Education Offices to bring about p lanned change. On top of that WEO and schools
introduced change so as to implement plans that were developed for change by the
gover.lInent at variolls levels; local regional and national levels.
Woreda Education Offices and schools have introduced planned change in organizing
multi grade school, clustering smail schools and alternative schools so as to create beller
opportunity for access to education and to improve the utilization of the existing
resources. Besides, organizational structure of WEO was changed and new guidelines
and strategies were produced to improve and strengthen school-based managemen t.
The 110n collaborative school culture, constant turnover of chief educational leaders and
th eir lack of competency, inappropriate leadership style at both the district and school
level were facto rs that affect the processing of change in education negatively.Above all inadequate educational resources (human, material and finance), inconsistency
of plans, poor school community relation, lack of power to make decision at school level
were also being the strong restrainingfactors.
Educationa/leaders at WEO and schools and teachers attempted to overcome some of
these restraining factors. However, the effect was not as such satisfactolY as the
dynamism of school environment required.
Therefore, the writer recommended that training related with planned change in
education in particular and change management in general has to be provided for school
teachers and educational leaders. More than other things due attention should be given
to improve the capacity of teachers and principals as well as to motivate them. The
shortage of teachers also made teachers to carry out more than expected load. As a result
they don't have time to think and develop new ideas. Therefore, using high ranked
students and knowledgeable persons ji-om the community as tutors, peer instruction, self
taught ' and distance program should be introduced. Moreover, schools have to make
endeavor to create network / linkage! with other sectors and volunteers to get technical
and material support. Besides, Schools need to organize and strengthen research
committee and pedagogical center, have to conduct experience sharing in order to induce
teachers with new ideas and way of doing things. Furthermore, School based
management has to be strengthened. Parents have to be given chance to involve in school
administration. The high tum over of the educational leaders has to be minimized and
should be given job security.
Survey Study