Assessment of Accreditation Practice as the Process of Maintaining Standards: The Case of Non-Public Tvet Colleges in Addis Ababa City Administration
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Addis Ababa University
The pwpose of this study was to undertake the Assessment of Accreditation Practice in the
Process of Maintaining Standards: The Case of Non Public 1VET Colleges in Addis Ababa
City Administration Offering Business Trades. In the course of this study, a total of 194
sample respondents- experts from Addis Ababa Education Bureau 1VET Branch who
accredits 1VET colleges in Addis Ababa City Administration, internal (local manager) and
extel'llal (foreigners) 1VET Reform Coordinators who have direct contact on 1VET reform in
general and the programme implementers- TeachersITrainers and Management and
Administrative Staffs in the colleges - were taken from the three types of target groups. In
this process, the sample colleges were selected randomly and availability sampling technique
was used for the respondents of the programme implementers. In the data collection,
interviews were conducted with the accrediting bodies and 1VET reform coordinators while
questioner was used for programme implementers. Besides, document analysis and
observation checklist were utilized. All the instruments were piloted and necessary changes
were made. Different statistical tools such as percentage, mean, average mean, and t-test
were used to analyze the data. Accordingly, the following findings were obtained: 51.3% of
the teaching staff were part-time employee while the guideline demands 70% permanent
employee; 60.9% of the teachers did not have pedagogical training even if the guideline and
different international experiences recommend it; 71.3% of the trainers did not have industry
or service giving, i. e., world of work experience although the guideline demands one year;
and 84.7% of the librarians were diploma and certificate holders though the guideline
demands 100% qualified staff. Moreover, 1VET policies and guidelines were not available
in the colleges in the way they were needed. The same was true for training equipments and
technologies. In relation to the infrastructure, in spite of the existence of libraries they did
not have adequate books and journals. Nor did these colleges had the required space of
sport and physical facilities. Most of all, the availability of the required management and
administrative staff was dubious. On top of these, the research was also identified some
problems in relation to the quality and efficiency of the accreditation process. These are lack
of qualitatively and quantitatively adequate professionals to discharge their responsibility,
the focus of the accreditation more on quantity of tools and personnel than quality and lack
of Management Information System (IMS) were some of the identified major problems. Thus,
it is recommended that training of continuous professional de velopment to address the
pedagogical and professional gap of teachers/trainers; establishment of Management
Injormation System so as to create easy access to information; tuning the accreditation
process towards fo cusing on quality, involving the professional associations so as to solve
the human power shortage and revision of the accreditation guideline in line with best
international practice so as to make it f ocus on internal quality, strengthening internal audit
and establishment of internal management board.
Accreditation Practice as the Process