The Practice and Challenges of Inclusive Education in Enat Preschool at Awi Zone
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The purpose of this study was to assess the practices and challenges of Early Childhood Inclusive
Education in Amhara Region, Awi Zone specifically Enat Academy. Inclusive education in early
years has great impact on children’s future learning and development. Based on the purpose of
the study, the practice and challenges, perception of teachers, principals, parents and education
office experts and the social and physical environment of the preschool in relation to ECIE were
assessed. To this end, case study design was used for the study using qualitative research with
thematic analysis. Data were gathered from one private preschool through various means from 1
principal, 3 teachers, 2 education office experts, 3 parents, and 2 children with disabilities. Data
collection instruments were document analysis, semi-structured interview, and observation. The
data gathered through these instruments were transcribed, analyzed, and triangulated necessarily
and appropriately. The findings of the study showed that, the sample preschool is not that much
practiced inclusive education. Lack of training of principals, teachers, expert and parents about
inclusive education is the major challenge faced in the preschool. Over children’s development
level of subjects, absence of experience sharing, limited support system of supervision and
collaboration of stakeholders are additional challenges in the preschool. The perception of
principals, teachers, experts and parents about inclusive education is positive.
Early childhood, inclusive education, practice, challenge