Identification of High-Risk Hardware Path-Delay Fault Locations and Evaluation of Their Impact
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Addis Ababa University
Ascertaining correct operation of digital logic circuits requires verification of functional behavior
as well as correct operation at desired clock speed. The maximum allowable clock rate in a
digital circuit is determined by the propagation delays of the combinational logic network
between latches. If the delay of the manufactured network exceeds specifications due to some
physical defects or process variations, non-confidential and possibly incorrect logic values may
be latched in memory elements. In this thesis, we present novel and efficient model for path
delay faults specifically for stack at fault in combinational logic circuits.
We propose new and efficient Model for delay fault analysis, test generation and fault simulation
of path delay faults in combinational logic circuits. Then the new model was analyzed using
reduced order binary decision diagram of the Colorado University Decision Diagram package.
An approach for selecting critical paths along which testable path delay faults can exist is
presented. The proposed method is particularly helpful on path intensive circuits (large number
of paths). Critical paths are selected implicitly with the aid of a combination of decision
Ideally, all the path delay faults of a circuit should be tested. However, a circuit may have a very
large number of paths, making it impossible to target all the path delay faults explicitly during
test generation or fault simulation. The large numbers of paths in practical circuits lead to the use
of path selection, where only subsets of the path delay faults in circuits are targeted for test
generation, in this case only high-risk paths. To reduce our efforts for finding test vectors, which
in turn reduce testing memory and processor power and analyzing a circuit for its faults, we try
to use reduced faults. Reduced faults can be obtained by eliminating redundant ones and ignoring
some that do not occur often or by eliminating faults that have the same output effect by fault
collapsing rules.The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated on path intensive international
symposium on circuits and systems (ISCAS'85) and International Transmission Company
(ITC'99) benchmarks.
Keywords:-High-risk Paths, Delay Fault Model, ROBDD, Fault reduction
High-risk Paths, Delay Fault Mode, L Robdd, Fault Reduction