Instructors' and Trainees' Perception and Practices on Common Courses in South Wollo Zone

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Addis Ababa University


The main objective of this research was to assess instructors' and trainees' perception and practices on common courses. To this end, the focus of the research was on four purposively selected TVET colleges in South Wollo Zone. The trainees selected for this research were 10 + 3. They were selected purposively. The main reason of.~·electing these trainees was that they have taken all common courses. So, they could give reliable information. A descriptive survey method was applied. Four TVETs, Kombolcha, Siheen, Admas Dessie Campus and Tropical College of Medicine were taken as sample of the study From these TVETs, of the total 700 trainees, 189 (30%) from two government TVETs were selected with stratified sampling and all 70 (100%) of trainees from the private TVETs were taken as their number was manageable. To collect the data, questionnaire, interview, focus group discuss, classroom observation checklist and a rating scale were applied to collect data from instructors and trainees. The data collected were organized and interpreted by using quantitative (statistical) and( Qualitative( descriptions). approaches. The analysis and interpretation of the data showed that common courses were not given due allention by instructors and trainees. Recommendations were suggested to TVET colleges, instructors and trainees to give due allention to common courses and help trainees develop skills, knowledge and positive altitude.



research was to assess instructors, ' and trainees' perception, practices on common courses
